Supply Solutions for Trading of Plastic Materials and Items

Petrochemical Sector is and advanced large scale industry in Iran with manufacturing millions of tons of polymers and chemicals per annum. Consecutively, an economical supply of polymeric raw materials is available for the domestic sector of plastic production in addition to a vast plastic recycling industry, making Iran as one of the most competitive countries in the world to supply plastic based materials.

PET Flakes

In order to target international markets, a large investment has to be made on plastic items for machinery and molds so to be able to respond to the diversified requirements of the global demands. At Zista Group we have focused on efforts on a few target markets during the years and have been able to create extensive business opportunities for the Iranian Plastic manufacturers to export their products overseas.

Polyester Fiber
HDPE Sheet

By providing assistance in the fixed investments through Molds, Zista Group has obtained an exclusive position to supply certain items from Iran to EU and Russia through the past years in the field of Playground Furniture, Kindergarten Furniture, Urban products such as dividers and street signs, irrigation sector and HDPE sheets as raw materials for Kitchenware.

For more information about Plastic materials supply, please visit specialized supply platform of Zista Group for Plastic Products:

Fitness Set
Playground Plastic
Traffic Sign and Cones